Biomass Energy / Biogas

Biomass was the important energy source of less develeoped  countries, until the recent years. Nowadays, with the using modern technology it has a key role as a energy portfolio especially in the developed countries. With the serious policy efforts to generalize strategic source of energy, also environmentally friendly,

Animal and vegetable wastes, forestry and forest industry wood waste, food and paper industry residues, municipal organic waste, sewage sludge, the annual short-rotation woodlands, sugary, starchy and oilseed crops, energy crops, biomass is the source.
Biomass directly used as a fuel or passed through chemical and thermochemical processes can be converted into liquid and gaseous products. In other words, electricity from biomass-based raw materials, it is possible to produce heat and transportation fuels.


Due to this feature, biomass, different than other renewable energy sources.

According to 2010 data, 81% of the energy consumed in the world of fossil fuels, renewables accounted for 16%, 3% were obtained from nuclear. The largest share of renewable sources in the thermal energy produced from biomass by 11% belongs to. This is followed by hydro power 3.3% share. The share of electricity produced from biomass as 0.28% in 2010 to record history (Figure 1).

Figure 1 World Primary Energy Consumption by Source Distribution, 2010 (REN21, FFR)


According to data from the International Energy Agency in 2010 was, which published in 2013, 280 TWh of electricity derived from biomass. Also in the same period used in the industry is 8 EJ thermal energy produced from biomass. On the other hand about 39% of the world's population with 2.7 billion people using traditional methods for cooking makes use of biomass energy.
In EU countries, biomass energy is emerging as a huge market trading. Nowadays, in some EU countries, the share of biomass in energy consumption increases up to 22%. Finland, Germany, Denmark are among the biggest users of biomass energy countries. In Germany alone, there are, about 10,000 biogas plants.
In the biomass sector in Turkey, 13.3 Dollarcent / kWh purchase guarantee and promote the domestic support is implemented. However, the biomass industry is very small, there is little number of plants in operation. Turkey's biomass energy potential is very high. A study conducted by TUBITAK, Turkey's 35 TWh of biogas potential (4,000 MW) has been shown to be.

78% dependent on foreign sources of energy.That is  in the energy sector with domestic production of raw materials for our country's economy is extremely important. As can be seen from Figure 2, our total energy consumption, the share of biomass in Line 3, Line-in, the share of biogas is 4. However, the total electricity consumption 15% of our potential biogas corresponds to.

“Figure 2.Turkey’s Electric Production Chart (0. Türkyılmaz)”
Our primary goal environmental protection and to contribute to the economy. But we manage that all together.

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